Ensuring the Quality of Synthetic Peptides
As a leading provider of high quality peptide products and services,
peptides & elephants (p&e) is dedicated to maintain andcontinuously
improve product and service quality!
- 1. All reagents and solvents used by p&e for peptide synthesis are
Animal Component-Free (ACF) / Animal Origin-Free (AOF) - 2. Cross Contamination-Free
- 3. Sequence Safe by Capping Steps
- 4. All peptides & elephants peptides are sterile and free of endotoxins.
Certificates for the individual order/synthesis can be provided.
Certificates will be done by an independent DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited test laboratory.
Tests must be requested when ordering, costs will be added. - 5. Within a certification audit the organization peptides & elephants GmbH has proved that a quality management system was established and is successfully applied in accordance with the requirements of the INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 9001 Issue of September 2015, for the following activity, Production and distribution of peptides.
This certificate is valid from 2022-10-04 until 2025-10-03.