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beta-Amyloid (11-40)

Post-mortem Alzheimer’s diseased brain specimens reveals significant levels of Aß (11-40/42) within insoluble amyloid pools. The ß-secretase enzyme or ß-amyloid precursor protein-cleaving enzyme (BACE) generates the N terminus of Aß, ultimately leading to the production of full-length Aß (1-40/42) or truncated Aß (11-40/42). The abundance of Aß (11-40/42) produced by BACE suggests that their roles in AD pathogenesis may be important.

Delivery:2-3 days
Amount:1 mg
Counter Ion:TFA
Protein:Amyloid-beta precursor protein
Application :Neuroscience
Indication :Alzheimer's Disease
Purity :95% HPLC-MS
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Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

sterile and endotoxin free
Delivery Format: The product is supplied freeze dried.
Purity: 95% HPLC-MS
Amount in mg
Product number: EP10013_1

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